Another Jedi mind trick

Would you like to learn a Positive Intelligence® technique for deflecting the negativity of others? Try this out.

When the person you are interacting with gets hijacked by his Saboteur, his survival brain, which is where all Saboteurs live, gets activated.

Because of mirror neurons, your brain will automatically and unconsciously start to mirror the other person and begin to get activated in the survival region which is where all of your Saboteurs live. Saboteurs are, therefore, contagious.

The Judge in one person might automatically trigger the Controller in the other, which will in turn further fuel the Judge in the first person, and so on, feeding a “No, I’m right!” negative cycle.

This vicious cycle is what causes most recurring conflicts in relationships because Saboteurs are not interested in resolution. They are only interested in proving themselves right.

For practice, pay attention to the Saboteur contagion effect and how you might fuel that vicious cycle with your own reaction to others’ Saboteurs if you are not careful.

Today, every time you see Saboteurs in other people you interact with, use that as an alert and reminder to do PQ reps to prevent the contagion. (Contact me for help learning about PQ reps.)

Notice that if you do this, you turn the other person’s Saboteur into a training opportunity for yourself. The more times their Saboteur shows up, the more times you remember to do PQ reps, and the stronger your Sage muscles become. You have turned the other person’s Saboteur into your Sage fitness trainer.

By not responding to their Saboteur with your own Saboteur, you shorten the intensity and duration of the other person’s Saboteur hijacking because you cut off the fuel to the cycle.

Some people find it useful to visualize that with each PQ rep they strengthen an energetic shield around themselves that blocks negative energy from others. Consider experimenting with that to see if it is a technique that might work for you.

Check out my PQ Coaching page or contact me for more information. Good luck and let me know how this exercise goes for you!

Working on Jedi mind training,

P.S. - Just like martial arts schools give a free class to let potential students explore what learning the art would be like, I offer free demo classes on Positive Intelligence®. Please ​contact me to schedule one​ for you or someone you think would benefit.

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